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Patisserie Specialized in Éclairs in Montreal

Visit our patisserie to discover or rediscover one of Montreal's finest éclairs. You'll discover more surprises. Call us to learn more.

Eclairs and Other Delicious

Éclairs are not just pastries, they are a canvas for flavour exploration. With their refined taste, beautiful appearance, and endless customization possibilities, they can be filled with strawberries, raspberries, apples, pears, cherries, forest fruits, chocolate, or caramel. This versatility makes them ideal for a snack or dessert.

Visit our patisserie and confectionery to explore this world of flavour, along with our cakes and entremets. There's something for every taste.

At our patisserie in Montreal, we take pride in using a wide variety of high-quality ingredients to craft our éclairs.

Mont Eclair Is
  • A patisserie
  • A chocolate shop
  • A confectionery
  • A patisserie service provider
Our Strengths
  • High-quality products
  • A team passionate about pastries and chocolate
  • Exquisite flavours
  • Long-standing expertise
  • Our patisserie and chocolate shop is located in Montreal.

Our Star Pastry in Montreal: The Éclair.

The éclair, our patisserie's star product, is crafted by two dedicated ladies who showcase their creativity in every creation. We exclusively use the finest ingredients in its preparation.

The individual servings of the éclair not only make it convenient for serving and eating but also add a touch of elegance to your event. You can also take advantage of our patisserie services to have customized éclairs made for a corporate meeting, training session, workshop, or seminar. Our pastry chefs ensure top-quality products at attractive prices. Do not hesitate to explore our catalogue to discover our creations.

We create personalized éclairs at our patisserie.